Often we look for new way to boost up our work, so we write a lot of code to perform jobs at high speed.
Sometimes the right way is the old way, specially if we need to do repetitive jobs. To do this kind of jobs we can use the xargs command, this command used in pipe with other commands can automate our jobs.
For example if we want to remove all C files from a directory and from all subdirectory recursively we can do the following:

root@slax # find ./ -name "*.c" | xargs rm -f

this command performs a lot of work for us and so it can speed up our jobs, also this command doesn't lose any .c files so we can be sure that we have removed all files.

The xargs command has two interesting options that allows to execute many jobs in parallel

--max-args=max-args, -n max-args
          Use  at  most  max-args  arguments per command line.  Fewer than
          max-args arguments will be used if the size (see the -s  option)
          is  exceeded, unless the -x option is given, in which case xargs
          will exit.


-P max-procs
          Run  up  to max-procs processes at a time; the default is 1.  If
          max-procs is 0, xargs will run as many processes as possible  at
          a  time.   Use the -n option with -P; otherwise chances are that
          only one exec will be done.

Now imagine you want to convert all .pdf files from the RFC-all.tgz archive into .ps files:
root@slax # time find ./ -name "*.pdf" | wc -l
root@slax # time find ./ -name "*.pdf" | xargs -Istr pdf2ps str
real    6m22.734s
user    5m41.345s
sys    0m38.990s

this command makes the work for you and you could be happy, to be happiest you shall modify the xargs command as follows:
root@slax # time find ./ -name "*.pdf" | xargs -n 8 -Istr pdf2ps str
real    4m35.770s
user    6m20.376s
sys    0m46.979s

as you can see this command speeds up the execution of your job of 39%

For jobs that have higer latency you can obtain better performances, imagine you want to ping all IP address on your subnet ( to

 while [  $COUNTER -lt 255 ]; do
      echo 192.168.0.$COUNTER >>subnet.txt
      let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 

This simple script will build the file subnet.txt containing a row for each IP address in the subnet.

You can use this file to make the "global" ping:
root@slax# time cat subnet.txt | xargs -i ping {} -c 1 > log.txt

real    12m32.336s
user    0m0.380s
sys     0m0.660s

root@slax# grep "1 errors" log.txt | wc -l

This command make the work for you and you can be happy. 😉

You could be very happy if you parallelize the work as follow:

root@slax# time cat subnet.txt | xargs -n 8 -P 8 -i ping {} -c 1 > log.txt

real    1m36.289
user    0m0.440s
sys     0m0.708s

grep "1 errors" log.txt | wc -l

This command speed up the work about 7,8 times.

In this specific case (the ping is very high latency job) you can be happiest increasing the level of parallelization
root@slax# time cat subnet.txt | xargs -n 256 -P 256 -i ping {} -c 1 > log.txt

real    0m4.643s
user    0m0.544s
sys     0m2.168s

root@slax# grep "1 errors" log.txt | wc -l

The results are the same but with performance boosted of a factor of 163. As you can see, often we have the solutions in our hands, we only need to solve our problems in the right way.
