The RTI Shapes Demo is a very powerful application that allows you exploring the functionalities of the DDS system.

The Time Filtered Topics allows the subscriber receiving only data that match with the filter that has been set.

Also the DDS system doesn't generate traffic for those samples that doesn't match the filter.

In the following video I'm going to show to you this powerful functionality.


First we publish a blue triangle, then on the second window we subscribe a triangle: we select a history log "1" and "250" ms as Time Based Filter

On the third window we subscribe a triangle we select a history log "1" and "500" ms as Time Based Filter

On the fourth window we subscribe a triangle we select a history log "1"and "1000" ms as Time Based Filter

In the 2nd window the triangle will be refreshed every 250 milliseconds

In the 3rd window the triangle will be refreshed every 500 milliseconds

In the 4th window the triangle will be refreshed every 1000 mseconds

If it is possible the DDS publisher will send data only if they are used from the subscribers.

We can change the filter a runtime without problems. 

If it is possible RTI DDS will not send data outside the rect filter to the subscriber.


To view more videos goto the xappsoftware channel on you tube