Today, we are going to write a function to compute the distance between two points in the cartesian plane.
We’ll call our module calculus.


A point in the cartesian plane has two coordinates X and Y, so we’ll need a function handling 4 parameters, and then the interface will be:

Using the Pythagoras Theorem, the distance between two points is computed as the square root of the sum of the squared differences between the coordinates.

Erlang provides a math library to perform mathematical function, the square root function can be called using math:sqrt().
So our function will look like:

distance(X0, Y0, X1, Y1) -> math:sqrt(((X1-X0)*(X1-X0)+(Y1-Y0)*(Y1-Y0))).

The full source code for the calculus.erl file will be

distance(X0, Y0, X1, Y1) -> math:sqrt(((X1-X0)*(X1-X0)+(Y1-Y0)*(Y1-Y0))).

now let’s compile and run the program

47> c(calculus).
48> calculus:distance(0,0,3,4).
