Sometimes you could have the need to print out numbers in a predefined format.

For example if you want to print out the current time and you want the time to be formatted like hh:mm. You will have no problem when it’s 10:05, but when it is five minutes past ten you will have something like 10:5, or if it is 10 past five you will have 5:10.

These are not so good results. You should have them formatted as 10:05 and 05:10.

I’ve written the following simple javascript function to apply a leading zero if it is needed.

function paddingNumbers(num, size)
    return ('0' + num).substr(-size);
where size is the number of characters you want to print out, and num is the number you want to print out.

Naturally the above function can be extended to apply a variable number of leading zeros.

function paddingNumbers(num, size)
    var zeroString="";
    for(i=0; i<size; i++)
        zeroString = zeroString+0;
    return (zeroString + num).substr(-size);